Rediscovering happiness in 2021!

Let’s find happiness in the whole new way through identifying the true source of it and deriving our karma to realize it. It is very much possible.. **Declaration: I have used few newspaper cuttings and rest are my own clicks.

Kaal Chakra!

Did it really happen? Yes it did, the warmth of the blood sprinkling out of my intestine just made an impression on my senses to acknowledge that the acquaintance with a bullet is no more restricted to a cinematic experience but my body has just been subjected to it. Pain is still in queue to…

I’d Rather Be….that ‘Wanderer’!

I ordered my third Chai (tea) in just about an hour while I was sitting on the stairs beside Pappu chiwala (chai seller) on Assi Ghat. The Ganga arati was just over and the crowd had started dispersing. The constant buzzing of people’s chit chat, the sound of water waves, the rhythmic Sanskrit Shloka chants of the Vedic students from the…

The ‘Face’ called Wisdom…in the crowd of Beliefs!

If I am able to see and recognize “Faces” around, it affirms that I have eyes. If I have eyes to see, brain to observe, mind to think, heart to feel, and ways to express, it only confirms that “I” exist. If I exist, I must be wearing a worldly identity. A worldly identity assures…

Independence Day…Really??

When I was a kid, I used to be very excited on 15th August for many reasons. The first and foremost was that magnetic & magical element in the air which made all of us feel good. It really provided sense of celebration of a kind. There was this feeling of patriotism about which I…